Who is SurePassID MFA-as-Code (MFAaC) designed for?

SurePassID MFA-as-Code is designed for enterprises that have adopted cloud-first strategies but require a higher level of security, visibility and compliance.

MFA-as-Code is designed for large enterprises with these characteristics, requirements, and needs


  • Critical infrastructure sectors as defined by Department of Homeland Security that require GCC, GCC High or FedRAMP certification.
  • Distributed workforce (intra/extra continental)
  • Cloud-First orientation or initiatives
  • Diversified MFA use cases


  • Best-of-breed security design
  • Phishing-resistant MFA (FIDO2 or PIV)
  • Environmental Constraints (Azure Commercial, GCC, GCC High)
  • Very high availability
  • Single pane of glass for user authentication - visibility, control, and telemetries.


  • Most cost-effective solution
  • Auto maintenance + patching
  • Integration with other production Azure systems (and non-Azure systems)
  • Sentinel
  • Defender
  • Log Analytics
  • Azure AI and Machine learning
  • Run in existing Azure subscription
  • Integrate with SurePassID MFA Air-Gapped Command Center (optional)

SurePassID MFAaC is an MFA authentication system that is designed to both medium, large and very large enterprises that have a minimum of 1000 users and upwards of 1M. 

SurePassID MFAaC is private cloud with a few managed egress endpoints for connectivity to internal systems.

A connection to the internet is not required.

If mobile push authentication is being used then 1 outbound firewall rule for Internet connections to Apple or Google push notifications services are required. 

For all practical purposes, this is an air-gapped solution – in the cloud.