Why am I receiving "OTP SMS message failed. Invalid SMS provider" error?

This error OTP SMS message failed. Invalid SMS provider is received when sending a  push message or OTP via IVR or SMS OTP message.

This occurs when your account is not set-up with a provider that can send SMS messages and make phone calls. To resolve the issue you need to set the following items in the SurePassID Administration portal.

1. Begin by logging into your account in the SurePassID portal

2. Select Home->Account

3. Select Customize Mobile Messages

4. Set the following parameters:

  • SMS Provider: Twilio
  • Account SID: Twilio Account SID
  • Auth Token: Twilio account Auth Token
  • From Phone Number: Twilio phone number from your account

Twilio Account SID and Twilio Auth Token can be retrieved from your Twilio account.


5. Press Update button

6. Try sending SMS OTP to the user